Mental Health Copywriting for Therapists

Grow your practice. Reach more clients. Feel fulfilled from the work you love. 

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You’re here in this line of work because you couldn’t stand by idly. You see the pain and problems in the world, and you have taken it on as your mission to do something about it. 

Now it’s time to start reaching out. Finding the people who need you. Building up a client load so you have a steady income. Starting to feel like you’re making an impact.

You’re a therapist with a vision.

“But how do I reach people?” you’re asking.

Maybe your private therapy practice is new and you haven’t begun much outreach yet.

Or maybe you’ve been running your own therapy practice for years, but the pace has somehow slowed. And you want it to pick up again.

Or maybe things are going well — so well, that you want to expand your private therapy practice into a booming business.

Either way, you’d love:

  • a steady stream of clients so that you never have to worry about where your next income is coming from

  • make that a waiting list

  • to feel that you’re truly making a difference in people’s lives

  • to come to work each day with full clarity about why you entered this field — and feeling grateful that you did

“So how do I get there?” you ask again.

We’re getting to it, don’t worry.

The Internet is your friend.

It’s a G-d-given gift that’s going to take what you’ve already got going, and - BAM - times ten or twenty (or more if you wish). It’s going to help you reach a lot of people.

The key is getting your name out there, so potential clients find you online. And once they do, speaking right to their hearts so that the right clients KNOW that you’re their therapist.

Remember the careful thought, time, and money that you invested in your office space? Applying the same to your online presence will set you up for more potential clients to find you online. It’s a long-term strategy that will allow you to sit back and relax in the future, knowing that you can wait, and they will come to you. You’ll watch your private practice begin to grow, and grow. And you’ll finally be on the right trail — the trail to success.

And this is where a mental health copywriter for therapists steps in.

(Ahem. That’s me.)

I help put you on the trail to success. As a mental health copywriter for therapists, I help you build an online presence for your private therapy practice.

I write authentic, well-researched copy for:

  • Therapists in private practice

  • Mental Health Counselors

  • Social Workers in private practice

  • Clinicians

  • Treatment Centers

  • Individual and group practices

  • …and more

I provide:

  • A website that gets you found on Google so that clients find YOU and want to book with you

  • Regular, well-researched, engaging, SEO-optimized mental health blogs that increase your visibility online and establish you as an authority in your field

  • Email sequences that keep people interested in what you have to say, maintain your already-existing relationships, and pull in more potential clients

  • Publications and materials that help spread your message in a way that reaches a larger audience and establishes your authority in the field

All this sets you up on your trail by: 

  • Bringing in that steady stream of clients

  • Saving you worry about tomorrow

  • Giving you that sense of fulfillment, so you come into each day, each session, with your fullest presence and energy

Still not sure if your private therapy practice really NEEDS a professional mental health copywriter for therapists?

Take a quick look at these stats about the importance of great copy for small business, i.e. therapists who own a private therapy practice: 

According to

  • 73% of businesses invest in their online marketing by hiring copywriters 

According to

  • Businesses with blogs get 97% more links to their websites

  • 77% of people who use the internet read blogs

  • Companies with blogs have DOUBLE the amount of email traffic (!)

  • Powerful copy increases your website traffic by more than 600% (!)

  • 60% of customers will actually make a purchase in response to a promotional email 

  • 94.6% of people who use email marketing say it’s a crucial part of their strategy, while 36.1% say its their best strategy

According to

  • Email marketing is extremely effective, with an ROI of $36 earned for every $1 spent on marketing 

Grow your private therapy practice with expert mental health copywriting designed especially for therapists.

Put yourself on the right trail.

Mental Health Copywriting Services for Therapists

Take a look at the options for the mental health copywriting services for therapists that I provide below, and choose exactly what you need to help your private therapy practice grow.

Website Copy- starting at $450

Your website can be your most powerful weapon– if you play your cards right. I provide you with powerful web copy that helps you show up in Google so that clients find you without you having to lift a finger to look for them. 

Ebooks and Opt-in’s- $300

We’re talking about content that’s going to grab your clients’ attention. Content that gets you noticed, gets you respect for your expertise, and gets you… clients! Always based in consumer research and written to inspire action. 

Blogs- $200

My blogs cover relevant topics that your clients care about, are written to inspire action so that your clients come find you, and are SEO-optimized so that you rank higher in Google.

Email Sequences- $50/email (3-email-sequence minimum)

Your email correspondence with your potential clients will be highly informative, maintain the relationships you already have, and build trust and authority in your potential clients’ eyes. 

Newsletters, pamphlets, publications- starting at $150


Hi! I’m Tzippora,* your mental health copywriter.

mental health copywriter Tzippora Shemen

*pronounced See-PO-rah

I’m an MSW-turned-copywriter. I write for anyone who views it as their mission to help the people of this world improve their well-being, because – well, I consider that my mission too.

As a retired social worker (although, no, I’m not that old), I speak the same language as you. I entered the field because, like you, I wanted to make as much of a difference in people’s lives as possible, helping them to live their best lives. Now, I’m here to support YOU as you reach YOUR goals with your clients. 

If you’re looking for copy that’s got the terminology and the passion that are innate to this field, then I’m your mental health copywriter! 

If you’re there to help people get in touch with themselves, get regulated, and get comforted, then I am with you! Let’s work together to improve people’s chances at living fulfilled, contented, and self-aware lives. 

There are a lot of people out there who need the help that you offer. And people need access to therapists who care, GOOD therapists. They need YOU. They just haven’t found you yet. 

And that’s exactly what I do for you. I help those people find you. So that you can do more of what you do best.

Let’s hit the trail together.

How It Works

Discovery phone call

We discuss your business goals and get to know each other.

Proposal Email

I send you an email with my recommendations based on our phone call. You choose the final plans from the proposed options.


You sign the contract and pay a 50% deposit fee.

First Draft Review

I send you a first draft to review. You make edits and comments.


You send the remaining payment.

Final Draft

I send you the final draft, incorporating your edits.

You continue along your trail…

…at peace knowing without a doubt that your business is on the trail to success!


Are you ready to raise your impact, reach more clients, and change the world just a little bit faster?

Me too. Let’s work together on this.

On this call, we’ll get to know each other and see if we’re a good fit to work together. We’ll discuss:

  • Your goals for your private therapy practice, both practical and idealistic. Things such as: who you are trying to reach, your vision for expanding your practice, etc.

  • Marketing strategy and online presence: where you are holding on this now, and how we can improve what you’ve already got, so you can reach more clients, more easily

  • What mental health copywriting services you might want and need to bring the results you want (blogs, web copy for online presence, etc.)

  • How I can help YOU save your time and energy to do what you love and are best at.

Take the first step on your trail to success.

I look forward to working with you to improve our world for its people. 


What is mental health copywriting?

Copywriting refers to texts that are written for marketing purposes. In other words, it means any sort of  writing with the goal of getting people to take action. Mental health copywriting is just that, but specifically in the mental health niche.

So, any writing that’s related to mental health and is geared toward causing people to take action, is called “mental health copywriting.” We’re talking blogs on mental health topics, the text of websites of mental health practitioners and mental health organizations, landing pages and product descriptions related to mental health, and online bios and reviews of clinicians, among many other things.  

How can a mental health copywriter help therapists?

If you are a therapist with a private practice, or a mental health practitioner of any type  (including psychologists, social workers, counselors, educators or instructors), and you are trying to reach a larger audience than you currently have, then a mental health copywriter for therapists is just what you need! A mental health copywriter helps therapists grow their client base, expand their private practice, increase their authority in their field, and earn more money.

Can I do my own copywriting for my private therapy practice?

You sure can! In fact, I’ve written a beginner’s copywriting guide specially for therapists to help you do just that. You can read it right here. Just keep in mind that therapy and copywriting are two different animals. And copywriting takes time (our most precious resource).

If you find that the time and effort that you’re investing in marketing your practice are sapping you of your emotional energy (our other most precious resource – especially for therapists!) – then you might want to hand it over to a professional copywriter…and breathe a sigh of relief. 

What are other ways I can market my therapy practice to get more clients? 

Online marketing is one of the best places to put the eggs in your marketing basket, during this age of technology and remote-everything. Effective online marketing means having a strong online presence so that both Google and humans surfing the internet rank you and value what you have to say.

For a great online presence, you need a website with powerful copy and high-ranking keywords, a regularly updated blog, and content-filled publications that add new and valuable  content to the internet. Emails and social media posts need to be written with smarts in order to pique people’s interest, and get them to click, comment, and eventually, book with you!

You can also always go the paid advertisement route. But according to Forbes, stats show that well-written online copy actually gets more clicks, and pays off more, than paid ads. Plus, it costs you less to maintain.

And finally, a surefire way to get more clients is to do a great job maintaining the trust of your current clients by delivering what you promise, plus more! Your clients will always come back to you, and they’ll recommend you to everyone they know. Word-of-mouth is a powerful way of gaining more clients who come already convinced that they want you!

Does good mental health copywriting really make a difference for a private therapy practice? 

YES! Good copywriting can be the deciding factor for whether your private practice will take off. And it certainly impacts whether you’ll have clients coming to find you, or whether you’ll have to put in the long, discouraging hours searching for clients yourself. Your private therapy practice deserves good mental health copywriting to get it off the ground and keep it flying high.